
sexta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2007

Ganhamos um aliado de peso...

Ninguém menos que Luiz Carlos Azenha, ex-repórter da TV Globo.Em um belissímo texto em seu blog, Azenha diz" Francamente, cansei da Philips. Meu movimento será individual e politizado. Não compro mais produtos da Philips. Peço aos talentosos blogueiros do SIVUCA que produzam um símbolo para minha campanha de boicote à Philips. A partir de agora aqui em casa só entram produtos da Sony e da Toshiba. Vou jogar fora uma TV meia-boca da Philips que estava encostada aqui em casa". Azenha, propõe para que escrevamos á Philips, questionando sobre o papel ridículo que o presidente da filial brasileira está prestando e usando seu nome para isto. Passo para vocês o link aqui. para quem quiser conferir o texto. Para quem quiser enviar email em inglês, aqui está a cópia do email do Azenha.

Dear Mr. Arent Jan Hesselink
Philips Corporate Communications

I'm a brazilian citizen.

All the light bulbs that I have at home are from Philips, what makes me bright.

I write you so you can shine some light on a subject of my interest.

Mr. Paulo Zottolo, the president of Philips in Brazil, is a leader of a protest movement called "Cansei", or "Fed Up".

So far, I'm unable to understand the meaning of such a movement.

I know for a fact that one of the movement's goals is to protest against the recent tragic air crash in São Paulo.

My opinion is that it is a shameful choice.

I don't think it is a good business decision for Philips to engage in a mix of politics and tragedy.

In a recent newspaper interview, Mr. Paulo Zottolo spoke about the engagement of Philips in what he calls a civic campaign.

So I'm writing you to find out if Royal Philips Electronics is also engaged in the protest movement "Fed Up".

If so, what were the reasons that led the company to take such a step?

If the answer is negative, did Mr. Zottolo acted without consulting the CEO, Mr. Gerard Kleisterlee?

As you may know, here in South America we are very superstitious.

When an american company called United Fruit protested in Central America, a government was overthrown.

When an american company called ITT protested in Chile, a government was overthrown.

I'm sure that Philips does not intend to do the same in Brazil.

Anyway, here is my proposal: if the Brazilian government accepts to use Philips' light bulbs in its "Lights for All" program - to expand the national power grid - would you please leave us alone?

Best Regards,

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